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Sassy Cat Airpod Holder Cat Pen Holder Buy 4 get a set of 5 Blind Box From Japan


Sale price $9.99 Regular price $13.99

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The most popular item in Store

Sassy Cat Airpod Holder Cat Pen Holder

This is one of the funniest holders I have ever seen Popular online, now available in store! Use your creativity in what to hold with these little things, they are stronger than you thought!

Note: Brand: Yumso Qualia

Cat size is 5.5cm*3.2cm

This item is a blind box,

Blind Box Style is a random selection, specific style cannot be requested quantity

< =3, receive a randomly picked style quantity

>=4, Promise to have at least a set of 5 of different styles with buy 4 get 1 free deal and 10% off the total

How to Get a set of 5 (different styles)?

Buy 4 of these holders, get 1 free (put quantity 4 to get a complete set of 5), you will also 10% off the total if ordering a set.

Blind box sale: 2 items in the cart for 10% off 

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