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Stores and Customer feedbacks

What Customers Said About our Store:

Excellent Customer Service-I’m here to help my customers to find the right item for you, chat with me on the chat box in the corner for any questions.

Problem Solving- I stand with my customers whenever there is a problem with logistics, damaged items during transit, I will make them up and give additional gift until the customer is satisfied with the items they get.



Cute Products, just look like the picture. I search for products that are popular locally in East Asia, Designed in Japan, Korea, China.


Popular items people search for on our site
Sakura Bowl 
Cat Paw Mug
Sakura Coaster
Seal Plush
Popular New Items
Stylish Tassel Bookmark
Chinese Style Floral Fans


My mission is to spread more cuteness and beautiful items to the world

If any question, feel free to contact me directly on
Instagram @asianinspiredbtq
Pinterest @AsianInspiredBtq
Or chat on the website here, I will respond whenever I see your message.